Friday, April 23, 2010

Jizz in my Pants - エキ

Before I celebrate the joy that is Golden Week in Japan, here is a "quickie" (no pun intended), from a viral internet video nearly everyone has seen. I've been showing it to a few of my Japanese friends lately as well! Oh the joy of bridging cultures. Makes me wanna....

エキ = fluid = Jizz in my pants


I was about to board the train and I...


It's all to easy for him to...


I see no benefit to always...



The spreading epidemic of...


It's his duty to learn some self-control! (or not eat grapes)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I don't know if this blog is still active, but if so, thanks so much for writing it!! Having just finished Heisig (RTK1), I am just now venturing into the movie method myself, and these mnemonics are all really helpful. I'll definitely be using this one, as well as a few of the movie ones (well, the ones I've seen, anyway). I just started my own blog-of-sorts at, so be sure to check it out!

    Thanks again :)
